#Rosa Hilda Zell
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vickapinto · 11 months ago
Relato #252: El regreso de Cunda - Rosa Hilda Zell
Fotografía de Carolina Álvarez. En: Pexels.com Cunda al crecer fue adquiriendo algunos hábitos extraños. Gustaba de esconderse bajo la almohada (entre ésta y la funda), chupaba los huevos de las nidadas, venía a la cocina tan pronto sentía que alguien se movía en ella, y si era ese alguien don Reinaldo poníase muy seria a su lado, dándole tironcitos al pantalón o mordisquéandole las botas para…
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finalfantasysexyman · 2 years ago
Round 1
Goldor VS Ultimecia
Maduin VS. Matoya
Laguna Loire VS. Ramuh
Josef VS. Leon
Ward Zabac VS. Edward Chris von Muir
Celes Chere VS. Princess Sara
Guy VS. Noctis Lucis Caelum
Cecil Harvey VS. Fran
Irvine Kinneas VS. Zeromus
Banon VS. Setzer Gabbiani
Tiamat VS. Kefka Palazzo
Squall Leonhart VS. Gordon
Kain Highwind VS. Invisible Woman of Corneria
Gilgamesh VS. Smyth the Smith
Ricard Highwind VS. Maria
Cid Del Norte Marguez VS. Jenova
Cactaur VS. Tifa Lockheart
Draco VS. Tonberry
Gladiolus Amicitia VS. Quina Quen
Ultros VS. Bartz Klauser
Bahamut VS. Kappa
Light Warrior VS. Ghido
Rydia VS. Edea Kramer
Cid Pollendia VS. Firion
Garland VS. Emperor Gestahl
Bikke VS. Gogo
Minwu VS. Seifer Almasy
Tellah VS. War Mech
Selphie Tilmitt VS. Brahne Raza Alexandros XVI
Lukahn VS. Freya Crescent
Yang Fang Leiden VS. Terra Branford
Zack Fair VS. Astos
Emperor Matteus VS. Ignis Scientia
Dr. Unne VS Namingway
Wakka VS. Faris Scherwiz
Edge Geraldine VS. Lich
Snow Villiers VS. Necron
Vincent Valentine VS. Rinoa Heartlily
Doga VS. Sabin Rene Figaro
Cyan Garamonde VS. Lulu
Scott VS. Unei
Strago Magus VS. Sephiroth
Onion Knight VS. Mog
Calcabrina VS. Zell Dincht
Kraken VS. Leviathan
Adelbert Steiner VS. Amarant Coral
Exdeath VS. Edgar Roni Figaro
Broom VS. Ghost
Cid Highwind VS. Auron
Biggs and Wedge VS. Rosa Farrel
Galuf Halm Baldesion VS. Cloud of Darkness
Sin VS. Ralse
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon VS. General Leo Cristophe
Marilith VS. Quistis Trepe
Princess Hilda VS. Red XIII
Kiros Seagill VS. Kuja
Locke Cole VS. Desch
Black Waltz 3 VS. Shadow
Hein VS. Umaro
FuSoYa VS. Rubicante
Golbez VS. Cloud Strife
Aeris Gainsbourough VS. Duane
Barret Wallace VS. Tidus
Kimahri VS. Yuna
Final Fantasy Sexyman Showdown 2023
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128 characters from across the series (Mostly the earlier ones) paired up at random to determine who's the best/most sexy. The first poll will come out 2/7/23 at 5:00 PM EST (+- an hour). I currently don't have polls, so unless I suddenly get access to them, the poll will be on Google Forms. Got access to polls, let's go!
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burmecianblackmage · 6 years ago
5 Year Anniversary - Thank You!
Today, February 4, 2019, marks not only Sceada’s 25th birthday, it is also the 5th anniversary of me creating this blog here, and beginning to roleplay as my little Burmecian.
5 years... that’s a long time. Time, during which much has happened. There have been so many adventures and meetings, have been so many encounters and situations I was allowed to write with you lovely people. There has been so much room for my character to grow, to learn, to form friendships and bonds, becoming a better man in the process. There has been so much development, so many ways in which he’s changed, so many people he connected to...
And I wouldn’t want to miss a single one of them.
Sure, there have been bad times too. Times where there wasn’t much happening, or where that which was happening ended up leaving a heavy burden upon us, where it affected us in more ways than we imagined, both positively and negatively, and there have even been tears we cried over it all. Be it because things did not work out as we hoped, be it because we felt the pain of our characters, or be it even because we lost friends. For after all, paths not only cross and align at times, they also separate again, with some never to meet ours again, no matter how sad a thought this may be.
But such is life, and rather than list off all the things that happened, all the stories and ideas that developed and bloomed in those five years, I’d like to do something else:
I want to thank everyone who walked this path together with me, no matter how briefly.
And so I have spent the last week going through my blog and a total of 4682 posts with the goal of listing up everyone that has ever interacted with Sceada and this blog here. Whether that be by simple starters or lengthy plays, by sending in asks or perhaps by drawing a lovely picture of him unprompted, everyone who ever interacted with me and Sceada here on this blog, I wish to thank you.
And so, even though many of you are no longer here, have moved on or perhaps even forgotten about this here all together, I would like to list you all up here, under the cut. All 217 of you that I managed to count.
Consider this a huge thank you for everything, my friends! I do sincerely hope we’ll get to share more stories in the future, and that we’ll get to connect with each other, be it again after a long time, some more, or even entirely new. Thank you for making my time here what it has been, and for turning this hobby into one so very dear to me. I love you all.
Sincerely, Patrick~
Thank you to everyone who ever interacted with me:
Freya Crescent @burmecias-protector | Sin sinixto @captainwithagrin | Looker @asklooker | Yeul paddra-nsu--yeul paddraprincess | Puck @wandering-rat-prince | Ringabell thebellsarerung | Azee daughter-of-eorzea @spearofthemother | Minfilia @sharlayanmistress | Omega @engineofdestruction | Vivi @oneyearsblessing | Edea Lee edeaofeternia @ladyofeternia | Caius timeless-encounters @divine-identite | Steiner @sworndevotion | Millenia @thewingsofvalmar | Garnet @avaliantqueen | Eiko @ladyoflindblum | Demi transientblade noxsicarius | Yda lunaxmonk | Croma Magnolie @cromagnolie | Riboruba riborubaxblade | Alisaie alisaiesresolve @alisaiespath-blog | Aqua azul-tragedy nymphatragicae | Garuda @ladyofgentlebreezes @purplepawnms | Fran shatterheartskypirate @feralstriike | Maria @artemisxbow | Rahela Uillces @rahelauillces | Hikari Devonair @claireverie | Yda sharlayanpugilist | Y'shtola oerlominsanseas @sholarofsharlayan | Amaterasu wolf-oftherisingsun @dis-sasster | Zidane goldentailedthief @gaianforged | Rinoa @angelwingprincess | Tataru taruluv | Ollie shadowturbine @shadowturbine-archive | Quina @worldonlyhavetwothings | Lilith @genomecode | Lenne @zanarkandsongstress | Eraqus departuresmaster | Paine nemuruomoi | Vhaso'a vhasoaamariyo thevermilliongaelicatte | @zezlemet | Garnet @likedovesinflight | Kael Haden beyondreflection @nightscaped | Ventus vvaywardwind | Selphie @sunny-explosions | Cloud swordmechanic @sn-soldier | Leon @imperialroseking | Elisia Dawnbreaker scarletenchantress @vermiculusmagi | Blank @thiefspian | Lancia Almathia eternalharvestpriestess @eternalharvestpriestess-blog | Achtung @trenokingsman | Marluxia @daemonflorescence | Etro etrotheforgottengoddess | E-Sumi Yan @sacredseedseer | Laguna @moombaliberator | DeRosso @reapersofknowledge | Y'landa Naih @majoredinhealing | Namine @scatteredcrayons | Lightning sanctusmilitis @ofetro | Reina Roux @crimsonspellsword | Victoria F. Stein abhorrentxwitch | Tifa Lockheart @nibelheimsweetheart | Faris @fieryseafarer-blog | Crisis gunsmokeprincess cxmbatsecretary | Momoe Nagisa mxrscapone cxgitationum | Blank silkyxthief | Impa regiuscustos @matriark | Beatrix @alexandrianrose | Yda @ydaism | Garnet @beyondtheflyingbird | Axel ist-axel-now @eternefiamme | Aerith @brexthoftheplxnet | Binrril @burmecianpaladin | Angeal @honorofangealhewley | Cecil @asouldivided | technicite | glacious-siren | Artemia Venus @huntressartemia | Leonora @containyourmainposure | Garnet xprincessofalexandria | Celes imperialturncoat | Calisto @burmecianknight | Garnet garnetffix | Garnet queenofsummoners | Eiko angeltriads | queenofalldarkness | Garnet queengarnet | Hylia hyliahergrace @luxaeterna | Zidane @zinidyne-zidane | Arc kindheartedmage | Mr. Sonacore somnusofnavyrealm | Locke @thepricewasright | Nanamo @sultana-dreaming | Leila @seafoamrose | Alisaie @alisaie-leveilleur | Axel @flamesxofxeternity | Vanille @jourdevanille | Terra @magitekelite | Brii briidunviing-a @dovsebrii | Serina Stonereach @ask-the-alchemist-of-gaia | Kairi @irradiancies | Lucienne @lucienneluciscaelum | Ignis @fieryknowledge | beckonlight | Haumeric @hiemalstorm | Gau @raisedbymonsters | Demyx ninthnocturne @baconxkitty | Kain @alphadraconis | Leila @dancing-dagger | Cloud @sacredscar | Aqua valorfindings freezingslash | Setzer @onagamble | Tifa Lockheart @lockedfighter | Ashe divineoath | beyondlores | Roxas trxdxcim | Fran @woodwarder | Aqua lazulaqua | Alphonse Elric @wirecage | Lightning brandedrose @brandedrose-archived | Noel Kreiss @lazuliss | Rydia @evocatress | Adelphel illustrisxarma @azurexheavens | Nymeia spinneroffxte spxnnerisms | Syabelth @diamondoath | Melinoe @pandoragu | Amina @the-shadow-of-a-wielder | Porom elderinwhite @mysidianwhitemage | Ysayle @ysayle-iceheart | Estinien wyrmbloodx | Garnet princessxofalexandria | Nidhogg @ansjahs | Steiner @captainoftheplutoknights | Lily Ember @losteidolon @lilykomatsu | Relm Arrowny @colorfulvirtuoso | Ashe dusksdecree @bnargindalmasca | Beatrix @rosegeneral | Mateus lucifcrisms @lucifcrux | Sequoia @sequoiaofeorzea | Terra @riotxblade | Lenna waterprincessoftycoon | Bianca biancathelopunny | Faris @ask-captain-faris | Ritz Malheur @viera-blessed | Kuja @xkuja | Leo Christophe @golden-heart-knight | Rosa purexmagic | Garnet awakenedcanary devotedqueen | Milleuda guerreradelosmuertos @milleuda-folles | Alleyway Jack @ofgil | Kefka @light-of-judgment | Vani @not-a-rogue | Lamya @bokobreeder | Emerya @atieflingwarlock @emerya | Teledji & Tulala @high-stakes-gambler | Lenora Love @thislovelylady | Vivi @ornoirtier | Rojo @fabulousredkweh | Firion @firixn | Rinoa ibisangelus | Bartz @adventurouswind | Garnet princessofalexandria | Aria spiriitxs @nymphaxea | Nayru @deamaurea | Shachi @heartpiratesorca | Zell @ahmyhotdog | Luneth @blessedbycrystal | Rosalia @rosalia-the-guardian @rebirthxguardian | Carbuncle @crimsonjewl | Aerith adelicatefleur rosenguard | Amalthea @thelcstunicorn | Rydia @in-the-world-below | Etro @solitarixs | GM @dndencounters | Amarant @crimsonsalamander | Tifa Lockheart fightforastar | Mikoto xbranbal @infragments | Palom @mysidiasprodigy | Marcus @tantalizingbro | Garnet thelittlecanary | Ricard Highwind @wyvernblessed | Adara @deriision | Noctis @armigerxarsenal | Klara witchalienanddemons | Ami @shinra-mp-dispatch | Olithier @clericaltendency @gxntil | Hilda @wildrosematriarch @wildrosemonarch | Taylor Gudbrand @tailoringtay | Rinoa residentangel | Garnet mybuttissoft @unspokenchansons | Rachel @thefiremaid | Amarant @arrogancecoral | Minwu @seal-of-heaven | Freya Crescent @drcgonscrxst | Irvine Kinneas @sharpxshootin | Eiko @unspokenchansons | Garnet @bemysclf | Celes @runexxknight | Ashe @dalmascasqueen | Mipha @divineoath @mixtisque | Rapunzel @flordorado | Logan Himura @thecrimsonsageofgaia | Shantotto @chxinspeller | Mikazuki @swordgrandpa | Chi @innocent-ai | Lenne @faythsung | Shantotto @apersonallesson | @garnet77 | Anna @deriisinful-archive @deriisinful | Aranea @dragoonxdive | Freya Crescent @party-of-rpg-muses | Beatrix @save-the-rose @rcsetorn | Kristjan @kristjanstower | Anita @bearxclaws | Argath @lonescion | Scoot @scootpatoot | Biff @biff-adventurer
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